On Christmas Eve Day, 2009, two friends found themselves on a trip from Portland, Oregon to Sacramento, California to bring two dogs from the Fredonia Humane Society in Arizona to Portland for adoption. Carrie and Cheryl planned on fostering each dog until homes could be found, but within a few days, each adopted the dog they were fostering. Carrie adopted Laguna (aka Goonie), a mixed breed dog she'd first met as a puppy while volunteering at FHS. Cheryl adopted Gracie, also a mixed breed who strongly resembles a Pit Bull Terrier, who became Gracie-Lu, and is now known as Lucy, Lucy Lu or Lulu. These dogs had come from an area known as The Gap on the Navaho Reservation. Lucy had been picked up wandering near a dump with a litter of pups. Laguna had been picked up as a pup on a separate trip.
Fredonia Humane Society is closing and has 7 dogs left awaiting adoption. You can find the dogs listed on facebook: Fredonia-Humane-Society